Energy Healings


Usui Reiki Ryoho

Reiki, pronounced ray-key, is a Japanese healing technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. "Rei" means universal and "Ki" means life energy. Life energy plays an important role in everything we do. As long as something is alive, it has life energy circulating through it and surrounding it. If your life energy is low or if there is a restriction in its flow, you are more prone to illness.
This Ki nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. The Reiki healing system is both powerful and gentle. It has a long history of use of aiding the healing of virtually every known illness and injury. It is always beneficial and works in harmony with all other kinds of treatments.

When a person receives a Reiki treatment the Rei part of the energy assesses where the person has blocks and then directs the healing energy, usually to the block nearest the practitioner's hands. Reiki raises the vibratory level in and around the physical body by charging it with positive energy. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away, clearing and healing the energy pathways.

A Reiki treatment typically ranges from 30 to 90 minutes and uses 10 to 15 traditional hand position. Many Reiki Practitioners utilize the Chakra energy system. During a Reiki session, the recipient remains fully clothed on the massage table and the practitioner can use a hands-on method or hold their hands above the person's body. The standard rate for a Reiki treatment is typically the same as the going rate for massage.

Reiki Practitioners at the HEAT Center

EMILY BALL, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher, Ceremony & Ritual Facilitator
Phone: 716-725-7184

CARRIE CHILBERG, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher
Phone: 716-704-3785

While Reiki has grown in popularity over the past few decades, it is not the only system of energy work out there. There are many skilled and effective pracitioners from a variety of energy work backgrounds that have never studied Reiki. Some practitioners, Emily Ball included, utilize skills which manifested in their childhood and other skills cultivated throughout their lives. More tools in the toolbox!

Many Energy Work practitioners utilize the Chakra system, briefly described below. You may be familiar with this energy system through learning & practicing yoga, or studying esoteric healing arts.

Chakra System Basics

The word Chakra is gently translated as a spinning disk or wheel of energy that runs along the spine. Another view of chakras is that they're centers of power in the human body that help to regulate all its processes; organ function, the immune system, the mind and emotions.
 There are seven ‘main’ chakras along the spine, and some say there are as many as 114 throughout and beyond the body.  The health of one’s chakras is directly connected to the health of the physical body, the mind, and the emotional wellbeing of a person. The system of chakras relies on their interdependence, much like the connective tissue of our bodies. On that note, each of the main chakras happens to correspond with a more dense collection of connective tissue in the body!

The 7 main chakras:
Root chakra: located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region. Your place in this world.
Sacral chakra: located in the lower belly. Creativity.
Solar Plexus chakra: located in the navel region. Your identity.
Heart chakra: located in the heart area of the chest. How you give & receive love.
Throat chakra: located at the base of the throat. How you express yourself.
Third Eye or Ajna/Alta: located at the center of the forehead, the base of the skull and the center of the mind. Your intuition.
Crown chakra: located at and above the crown of the head. Your connection to the divine.

Coherence Energy Healings

Emily offers these 30 - 75 minute sessions remotely. Notes or audio recordings on the experience are offered.
As she holds safe & non-judgmental space for whatever needs to happen in your session, she works multidimensionally with permission and energetic guidance from your resolved ancestors, guardians and spirit helpers.
Some of the healing modalities and tools she utilizes are:

  • Usui Reiki Ryoho and advanced reiki techniques such as Karmic Clearing

  • Chakra balancing, re-education, and coherence

  • removing malefic/harmful attachments & cords, and beginning wound repair

  • Psychic and/or medium message transfers

  • Ushering entities and souls to their next place or ‘home’

  • Co-creating filters and protective shields for your energy body

    If she has questions about using a certain technique or whether the message she’s receiving is meant for you, she uses a pendulum to ascertain the truth of the moment. This keeps the guides in the driver’s seat and her ego on the sidelines.
    For more info click HERE.

Cord & Entity Removal Basics:

Cord Removal: Every time you have an emotional contact with anyone you create an attachment point to them. A cord of energy goes from your energy field to theirs and together, you are maintaining energy exchange with them - not always with a desirable affect. In a mutually beneficial relationship the flow of energy goes both ways; in a relationship based on fear, dependence or "power trip" the energy is usually one way and drains the 'victim'. Removal of negatively attached cords can lead to energetic balance and relief.

Entity Removal:  Like cords, Entities attach to energetic fields in varying degrees or levels. There are a number of reasons an entity may become attached to a persons energy field. There also a great variety of entities, below are some of the most popular types described by L. Wilson, MD's "Soul Attachment and Release".

  • Confused Entities after death due to quick accident or fast moving illness: in these cases, the discarnate soul attaches because it does not fully realize that the body it had inhabited has died, because it happened suddenly, and the souls is basically confused.

  • Nasty Entities: these are the discarnate souls that cause problems for people, for various reasons. Often the discarnate souls was abused while it's body lived, and it is angry, upset, resentful and wants to cause damage to others. Such entities are common, in fact, and can cause one to have an accident, perhaps steal, lie, cheat and even commit murder. They can also cause your death by distracting you or causing you to be careless.

  • Crutch Entities: entities that move in when a persons body or mind are weak, they "fill a hole" so to speak and in some way will support the body. Like using certain minerals to support adrenal glandular activity: causing some oxidative stress but supporting adrenal function. A second way crutch entities support the body is to prevent the entrance or attachment of nasty entities. A third way is to move the soul in the right direction toward health and happiness when a person's main soul is confused, ill, ignorant, arrogant or just not acting rationally for some other reason. 

Divination & Intuitive Readings


Merriam Webster aptly defines divination as, 1. the art or practice that seeks to forsee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers, 2. unusual insight; intuitive perception.

Using instinct, insight and a focused connection to the greater divine, mystics at the HEAT center offer readings to discover hidden potentials in their client's lives.

A small glossary of terms used to describe divination, medium and psychic practices


A form of divination that utilizes a deck of carefully and intentionally crafted cards as a tool to unlock current and possible future details about a specific individual's query.


Medium: The role of the Medium is to make a connection between the physical and spiritual or unseen worlds. Using psychic senses, Mediums translate communication between those other worlds, or parallel universes, and this one. Through study and focus, the medium hones the incoming messages from Spirit for an intended individual.
Different styles of mediumship are:

  • Mental, including telepathy and/or trance

  • Physical, including sensations and/or use of objects

  • Direct Voice, involving a sort of ‘direct line’ to Spirit

  • Channeling, in which the practitioner allows a spirit to directly inhabit their body to communicate. Because this works by consent, it is not posession.


Psychic: while a medium is said to have psychic abilities, not all psychics are mediums. Psychic abilities are part of our “sixth sense”. Some people can observe through our normal senses in a profound way, picking up cues ,clues and taking direction from spirit through:

  • Clairvoyance or "clear seeing" is the ability to see anything that is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs "in the mind's eye".

  • Clairaudience or "clear hearing" is usually defined as the ability to hear the voices or thoughts of spirits.

  • Clairsentience or "clear sensing", is the ability to have an impression of what a spirit wants to communicate, or to feel sensations instilled by a spirit.

  • Clairsensum or "clear feeling" is a condition in which the medium takes on the ailments of a spirit, feeling the same physical problem which the spirit person had before death.

  • Clairalience or "clear smelling" is the ability to smell a spirit. For example, a medium may smell the pipe tobacco of a person who smoked during life.

  • Claircognizance or "clear knowing" is the ability to know something without receiving it through normal or psychic senses. It is a feeling of "just knowing".

Native American Medicine Wheel

With permission and respect to the Ancestors of the ground we stand upon, Emily works with the Native American Medicine Wheel in some of her readings and ceremonies for guidance in regards to her client’s life path. For more information on the Medicine Wheel we suggest this reference. Donata Ahern is a Priestess in the Mayan Temple of the Deer and facilitated 2 years of workshops at the HEAT Center on the Native American Medicine Wheel and other studies of divination - we are forever grateful to her for these offerings!

Emily Ball LMT, RMT > P: 716.725.7184 E:                                                 

Some things to consider when booking an Energy Healing or Divination Appointment

1. Scheduling Your Energy Healing or Divination Appointment
Whether scheduling your appointment online, by phone or in person you'll want to discuss any health issues with your practitioner. Your session is always catered toward your deepest healing, so focus on what your intentions are prior to the session and feel free to share them with your Reiki practitioner.

2. Before your session
Relax + reflect
Give yourself some time prior to the session to sit and reflect, particularly checking in with how your body is feeling and anything you are noticing with regards to emotions, thoughts or physical sensations. 

Eat and hydrate
Avoid eating a heavy meal beforehand, but eat enough not to be distracted by hunger.

5. Distance Reiki
Distance Reiki works best when you are in a comfortable, safe and quiet space to receive the treatment. If you need to rearrange your appointment time to receive Reiki, please let your practitioner know 2 hours or more before your scheduled time. Your Reiki practitioner will basically be astral projecting to your location to do the work and may be in meditation an hour before the session time begins.

4. Attending Your Reiki Session
While each Reiki professionals practice is unique, there are some basics to Reiki sessions or treatments.

If it's your first visit you may be asked to fill out a confidential questionnaire regarding your health and goals for your session. Reiki sessions are done fully clothed. There may be soft music playing, please let your practitioner know if you have another preference. You will be invited to get comfortable on a cushioned Reiki table—let your practitioner know if you need any additional pillows or blankets. Reiki works best when you are completely relaxed and comfortable.

Reiki is typically, but not always, a hands-on technique and can be done without touch if you prefer. The practitioner may use multiple hand positions and placements during the session to guide energetic healing.

Your Reiki practitioner will signal the end of your session and they may leave to give you a moment to yourself.

5. After your session
Many of the treatment benefits can occur as soon as after the session is over. To further the benefit of your Reiki treatment or to integrate new findings from your reading, find somewhere quiet and relaxing to allow newness to arise. For 15-20 minutes after the session, try going for a walk,  napping or take it easy in general. 

Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water after your session. 

Choose a healthy snack or meal afterward if needed. Eating can also help ground the body. 

Capture and explore any insights  you had during and immediately after the session. Find an activity that connects you to what you experienced. Consider capturing your self-reflections in a journal.

6. When to Contact your practitioner
Reach out to your practitioner immediately if you experience any overly challenging emotions, physical sensations or issues after your treatment.